Assalamualaikum, blogger dan reader sekalian…
Apa khabar? Sejak kebelakangan ni, tatau kenape prof minat sangat cari buku…haritu sebelum operate, nak habiskan baucer buku dari kerajaan punya pasal prof pun borong novel english kat MPH. Lepas operate, makin hari makin suke sangat google cari buku2 online yang best n beli nak buat koleksi…
Ni yang terbaru…
By Jane Green, Promises To Keep

Haa…yang bawah ni plak, koleksi2 novel english yang dalam simpanan prof…sikit je, sebab baru nak belaja2 bace novel. Mase tingkatan3, Teacher Enghlish prof (Siti Zuana) pesan kat prof kalau nak improve english, banyakkan bace novel english…
Rindu Teazcher Zuana, sejak die pindah Australia…sampai skang xde contact ngan die. Ehhhhh!!! Kejappp
Awat x terfikir nak cari dalam facebook?
Ok2…jumpe! But x add lagi, takut salah orang. So far ade mutual ngan cikgu2 sekolah seri sepang dulu. I try to reach her through PM first…
Hopefully the one i’ve had found is her…oouhhh! =)
Tadi ingat nak update pasal novels ni…jadi lain plak, xpelah! LAYAN!
Novel hijau tu, The Lost Guide to Life and Love by Sharon Griffiths yang prof beli tahun lepas, xabis bace lagi.
Yang dah khatam betul2 khatam ialah buku tu…yang Airin pinjamkan kat prof mase prof tengah recovery lepas operation haritu. By Alyson Noel, Art Geeks and Prom Queens
Being the new girl is tough-just ask 16th-years-old Rion Jones. A New York transplant, Rio has no clue how she’s going to fit in at her fancy new private school in Southern California. Plus, being late, overdressed, and named after a Duran Duran song doesn’t make the first day any easier for her. Then Rio meets Kristi. Beautiful, rich, and a cheerleader, Kristi is the queen bee of Newport Beach. And Kristi isn’t friend with just anyone, so Rio is thrilled when she’s invited to be part of the most exclusive, popular clique. Of course, like any club, Kristi and her friends have rules: Always smile (even if you don’t mean it), always dress cute (and never repeat outfits), and always flirt (but only with jocks, preps, and rich college guys). At first Rio is having a great time, but as she becomes more immersed in this jet-set crowd, she figures out there is one last rule that her new friends forgot to mention: Don’t cross Kristi
Buku ni memang best! English nye simple n penyampaian nye pun bagus…senang nak faham jalan cerita.
Compared to The Time of My Life, by Cecilia Ahern…english nye agak tinggi dan imaginasi pun susah nak dapat sebab cerita pasal kehidupan seseorang yang terlalu busy sampai abaikan penjagaan kesihatan dan diri. Tatau ape ending, still membaca lagi…
The Secret of Happy Ever After, by Lucy Dillon tu prof xbace lagi…satu word pun xstat lagi. hehe, beli buku kemain lagi…last2 buku pinjam dulu yang habis bace =)
Xlupe juga…buku ni dihadiahkan oleh best buddy prof, Arif!
Isi kandungan buku ni menarik…Thank you Arif!
Mari membaca =)
With Love, xoxo
i also hv the same book…don't be sad!!!hahahah!!!
cik adik! nanti kite boleh tukar2 novel eng tauu…